

from Texas

Name: Zion

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Location: Texas

Race: African American

Child Id: 782

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Zion is a bright, caring girl with an empathetic heart! She loves dancing to all kinds of music, especially R&B. Zion is a creative youth who enjoys writing poems and is also working on a book. One major thing Zion is passionate about is skateboarding. She loves learning new stunts and tricks and likes designing her board. Zion is very good about doing her chores and actually enjoys them. She wants to help and make sure things are being done. Zion loves to write and has recently taking a liking to doing make-up. Like many other teens, she is trying to find Zion. At times, she can be distracted and requires reminders to stay on task and focused. Zion likes to form new relationships. She can be a leader and she is continuing to find healthy ways to express her feelings. Zion has demonstrated the ability to plan and reflect on issues that affect communities. She will benefit from insight on how she can play an individual role in society, communities, or social groups. Zion has interests in creating and following unique cultures and social trends.

Zion will do well in either a two-parent family with a strong male role-model or a single-parent home. She is best suited to be the youngest child in the home with other children being of adult age, or as being an only child. Zion likes attention to be on her. She needs structure and she will explore that at first. Her family will maintain a good daily routine and not bend. Zion would love a family who is active and encourages her to participate in activities that will improve his self-esteem and social skills. Her family will work with her and show her ways to love herself. Zion needs a family who will teach her coping skills and encourage her to be a better person. Her family will have an open and accepting perspective towards LGBTQ youth.

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