Tru from Texas



from Texas

Name: Tru

Age: 1

Gender: Male

Location: Texas

Race: African American

Child Id: 1321

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Tru is an exceptionally sociable baby who delights in being around people. He has a great love for attention and enjoys any kind of movement. Tru is a quick learner and once he learns a new skill, he keeps it. His receptive language is impressive--he understands everything you say to him. He also sleeps soundly through the night. Tru adores crawling, standing, jumping, and has recently started to walk. He loves being outdoors and spending time in the sunlight. His loves music and his pacifier. His favorite foods include peas, carrots, oranges, and In-N-Out cheeseburgers. Tru loves being held and talked to, and he gets a kick out of being swung in your arms and flipped upside down. He enjoys being silly and making loud sounds, especially when you join in on the fun!

Tru's forever family will consist of two caregivers and a strong support system outside the home. His family will provide him with attention and supervision. His home will provide consistent routines and a structured environment. His caregivers must be patient, understanding, loving, and nurturing.

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