Edi, James from Texas


Name: Edi, James

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Edi, the stylish older sister, thrives on spending time with her brother James. Their connection goes beyond playful interaction; she shows him attention and ensures he feels loved and supported. James, the artistic younger brother, might be younger but becomes a protector for Edi when needed. He enjoys being active and playing video games. Edi and James share a deep connection that transcends typical siblinghood. They're a constant source of laughter for each other, whether through playful teasing, artistic collaborations (like drawing together), epic video game battles, or simply hanging out and chatting. Edi and James find solace in reminiscing about happy memories from their past. This shared history fosters a sense of security and allows them to express themselves freely within their haven. Remarkably, Edi often acts as a pillar of strength for James.



from Texas

Name: Edi

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Location: Texas

Race: Anglo

Child Id: 1296

Edi is a vibrant and intelligent young woman passionate about expressing herself through fashion, especially her one-of-a-kind shoe collection! A responsible saver, she patiently waits to snag the perfect pair to complete her look. But Edi's awesomeness goes beyond her wardrobe. She's a sports enthusiast who enjoys ...more



from Texas

Name: James

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Location: Texas

Race: Anglo

Child Id: 1295

James is a very polite and reserved young man with a hidden spark. He loves expressing himself through art, showcasing his creativity on paper. James can be found on the court playing basketball and football or tackling challenges in the latest video games when he's not unleashing his artistic side. James also enjoy...more

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