Chase, Jaquon, Hollie from Texas


Name: Chase, Jaquon, Hollie

Inquire about this sibling group

Chase, Jaquon and Hollie are an energetic sibling trio who are full of fun. These siblings love spending time together whether they are outside riding their bikes or inside playing on their tablets. The siblings play well together, and they consider each other to be best friends. Together they love to watch movies, make arts and crafts, paint, and draw. Chase and Jaquon love sports and playing video games while Hollie loves helping around the house and enjoys playing at the playground. Chase, Jaquon and Hollie love to eat and are no strangers to food. This sibling trio is known for their infectious smiles. They can light up any room. They are sweet, kind, and caring. They make friends easily and are a joy to be around.



from Texas

Name: Chase

Age: 8

Gender: Male

Location: Texas

Race: African American

Child Id: 1271

Chase is a bright and energetic child with a vivid imagination. He especially loves football! Chase enjoys spending his free time playing football with his brother and his friends. He is creative and loves to draw. He also loves to play at the park with his friends and his siblings. Chase enjoys playing with race ca...more



from Texas

Name: Jaquon

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Location: Texas

Race: African American

Child Id: 1272

Jaquon is an energetic and inquisitive child. Jaquon enjoys spending time outdoors riding this bike. He also enjoys spending time indoors watching movies. His favorite movie is the Black Panther, and his favorite superhero is also the Black Panther! Jaquon loves to try new foods. He likes martials arts, drawing and...more



from Texas

Name: Hollie

Age: 4

Gender: Female

Location: Texas

Race: African American

Child Id: 1270

Hollie is a very kind and sweet girl. She is energetic and loves to play! She is affectionate and loves to give out hugs. Hollie has a contagious smile and is described as a breath of fresh air to anyone she meets. She loves playing games and playing at the park with her older siblings and friends. Hollie loves col...more

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