Axel, Adair from Texas


Name: Axel, Adair

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Axel and Adair have a strong bond with each other and have each other's best interests at heart. Their connection is so strong that they will not go without conversing with each other for a day. In school, they motivate each other to do their best and give their best effort in all their subjects. The children have been a comfort to each other during hard times and are often able to laugh about some of their experiences shared. Adair is learning to build her coping skills and always looking for creative ways to express herself through reading books or creating art in her drawing books. Axel has built his social skills by partaking in team sports at his school; this avenue has allowed him to build friendships with other boys his age and helped him to utilize his social skills. Adair and Axel continue to thrive in care and show immense resilience.



from Texas

Name: Axel

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Location: Texas

Race: African American

Child Id: 575

Axel is an active young man. He is a sports enthusiast. He is interested in football, basketball, and video games. He keeps himself mostly but has the ability to be social in events where there are other children his age (i.e. dances, sporting events, etc). Axel's personality is laid back, relaxed, and not overthink...more



from Texas

Name: Adair

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Location: Texas

Race: African American

Child Id: 576

Adair is a reserved and resilient young lady. Her interest include art, graphic design, computer animations, and roller skating. She is reserved, shy, and normally to herself around the home. She is generally in good spirits. Enjoys a good book to relax or fresh air to decompress. Adair is very inquisitive. She can ...more

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