Andrea, Alexander from Texas


Name: Andrea, Alexander

Inquire about this sibling group

Andrea and Alexander are a loving sibling group who are full of energy and enjoy being active. They love to swim and jump on the trampoline together. Andrea and Alexander both love finger foods like chicken fingers and French fries but their favorite food is pepperoni pizza. Andrea is always in charge, but they have a great sibling relationship. They love going to the park, kicking the soccer ball, and running together. They both enjoy being around animals. Andrea loves dogs while Alexander loves cats. They both really love watching Paw Patrol and all things Disney channel. Andrea and Alexander are both nonverbal children who are affectionate and loving. Andrea is more laid back and loves knowing where her brother is and what he is doing. Alexander is high energy and enjoys playing outside. This playful sibling group would be a wonderful addition to a caring forever family!



from Texas

Name: Andrea

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Location: Texas

Race: Hispanic

Child Id: 428

Andrea is a very sweet girl who is affectionate and likes attention. She loves getting pampered by getting her hair and nails done. She also enjoys shopping and looking at different stores. Andrea enjoys watching cartoons on the Disney channel and her favorite movie is Coco. Andrea enjoys listening to music and goin...more



from Texas

Name: Alexander

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Location: Texas

Race: Hispanic

Child Id: 429

Alexander is very active boy who is full of energy. He has a spunky personality and lights up a room when he enters it. Alexander really enjoys playing with toys with different textures and he especially loves playing with Play-Dough. He also enjoys sheading paper and wrapping string and/or yarn around his finger an...more

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