Marleymarie from Texas



from Texas

Name: Marleymarie

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Location: Texas

Race: Anglo

Child Id: 1231

Sibling Group: Sibling Group

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Marley, a vibrant and calm-natured young lady, finds joy in simple pleasures. She likes to be outside riding her bike, watching a good show on TV, competitively playing video games, listening to music, or taking a nice nap after a long day. Marley has recently gained an interest in cooking. She is currently learning basic cooking skills. Marley takes pride in her education and actively participates in her learning. She aces her classes, except math, where extra assistance has boosted her confidence. Making new friends comes naturally to Marley, and her classmates adore her friendly spirit. Marley's closest bond is with her sister, whom she seeks to be around whenever possible. Marley's biggest wish is to explore the world alongside her sisters.

Mikha and Marley, though different, share a sisterly bond united with protectiveness, playful squabbles, and unwavering support. Mikha, the talkative and protective sister, shields her quieter sister, Marley. Mikha is a natural advocate who speaks up when she notices wrongdoing. Initially shy with new faces, Marley finds her voice in the familiar comfort of her sisters, who help her blossom in her confidence. Marley finds joy in calmness and alone time. However, when ready, she welcomes the company of peers and is a joy to be around. Mikha and Marley enjoy being in each other's company. Mikha and Marley enjoy participating with one another in activities, watching a good movie, being goofy to make each other laugh, going outside, and having late-night discussions. Mikha and Marley cherish and understand the importance of their special sister bond.

Marley would do best in an active family that can help meet her need for normalcy, socialize with peers her age, and participate in typical age-appropriate activities. Marley would do best with caregivers who are prepared to help her talk through and understand her triggers. Marley would do best with a family that understands the importance of family time and allows for plenty of sibling visits with Marley's sisters.

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