Kaitlyn from Texas



from Texas

Name: Kaitlyn

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Location: Texas

Race: Anglo

Child Id: 1284

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Kaitlyn, who also likes to go by "Gracie," is an enjoyable, chatty, and amiable girl. She takes pleasure in playing sports, listening to music, and animals. Kaitlyn has a strong affection for horses and creatures typically found in a petting zoo. Her favorite colors are purple, teal, and gold. Gracie has a passion for music and relishes in watching music videos. She loves hip-hop and R&B music and proudly declares herself as a Swiftie! She is passionate about playing video games, especially Nintendo games like Mario. Gracie enjoys school a lot. She enjoys studying math, science, and writing the most. She also takes pleasure in engaging in arts and crafts. Gracie's favorite meal is lasagna. Her favorite types of food are Italian and Mexican. Her favorite fast-food restaurants are Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Whataburger, Braum's, Dairy Queen, and Sonic. Gracie is also a big chocolate lover. Gracie is a very loving girl who shows a lot of affection. She also appreciates acts of service and frequently carries out acts of service. Gracie aspires to go to college and become a mental health technician.

Gracie's forever family would consist of a two-parent couple who enjoy traveling and discovering new places together. Kaitlyn would thrive in an environment where her educational goals are supported, and she receives guidance to pursue her aspirations. Gracie would benefit from being in a home where she is the only child. A structured and routine-oriented family would greatly benefit Gracie, along with one that communicates calmly, redirects behavior without resorting to yelling, and addresses emotions constructively rather than with anger.

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