Cliff from Texas



from Texas

Name: Cliff

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Location: Texas

Race: African American

Child Id: 1313

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Cliff is an extrovert youth who enjoys sports, arts, and a variety of other activities. Sometimes he can be shy in new settings, but he will open up once he feels comfortable. Cliff enjoys playing basketball, wrestling, and running track. Cliff loves taking on leadership roles and helping his friends. During the summer he enjoys spending his time outdoors swimming. Cliff enjoys animated shows and watching Netflix in his free time. He also enjoys reading books like Harry Potter and Ink Heart. Cliff wants to be more independent and begin to work and make his own money. He has high expectations for himself and maintains them by making good grades. Cliff wants to achieve a 4.0 grade point average before he graduates high school. He also shares an interest in fashion and would like to design his own clothing one day.

Cliff will flourish in a two-parent household with siblings close to his age. His forever family will have experience with the type of care he needs to thrive. He desires a family that will help him in becoming more independent. His family will allow him to live a normal life.

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