Aleena from Texas



from Texas

Name: Aleena

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Location: Texas

Race: Hispanic

Child Id: 659

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Aleena is an athlete in the making! She is an active young girl who loves to play competitive sports. She loves to play volleyball and is currently involved in a volleyball summer camp. Aleena also loves to go out to the mall, talk on the phone, and go to entertainment places like arcades, escape rooms, amusement parks, etc. She loves creating things with her hands. Aleena loves to knit, create jewelry, and write poetry. She is well mannered and will respond to others using yes/no ma'am and yes/no sir. Her favorite foods are Oreos, Takis, and tacos. Aleena loves telling jokes about shows she loves to watch. She loves to put on make-up and play her PS4. Aleena loves to learn new things and learns new things quickly. Aleena can express how she feels and appreciates clear communication. She is determined to achieve things she puts her mind to. Aleena is overall a friendly child who gets along well with others.

Aleena's forever family will be one who is patient and can provide her with structure. Her family will also be one who loves attending and participating in sporting events. Aleena would benefit from a family who has an educational background in the medical industry as she wants to become a radiologist. Her family will provide a safe space for healing and understanding. Aleena has an older brother that she talks about all the time and would love if her adoptive family would allow her to stay in contact with him. Her family must be determined to provide stability and stick by Aleena's side. Her family must also be able to ensure that Aleena feels like she is seen and heard.

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